Watching television this morning and the word carmageddon was being used. Got to thinking, hey, that could be a useful suffix ending. It seems to be a trend here recently. Remember the D.C. snowmageddon? And, of course, many are familiar with the term (and movie) Armageddon, I think.
So in the spirit of ultimate realtime translation, I've placed two entries into my steno database.
{suffix}ageddon A/TKPWED/-PB
{suffix}mageddon PHA/TKPWED/-PB
Now we just await the day when someone says it...
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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!
Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.
Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.
My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.
My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.
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