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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The -mp, -mble, and -mple solution...

This technique Steno Wizard got from the Philadelphia Clinic and it has worked wonders! 

Initially, Steno Wizard was taught to two-stroke that -mp ending.  Two strokes!  You have got to be kidding!  We don't even want to think about the mble and mple. 

Anyway, spied this out of the Philly Clinic, and another reporter told me her tweak, and life has been a little less complicated.

Write the -mp ending with the -FRP keys. 

Write the -mble ending with the -FRBL keys.

Write the -mple ending with the -FRPL keys.   Simple (SEUFRPL)! 

Now words like crumble and tumble are so easy to write! 

Thimble, rumble, simple, ample, example, sample, fumble -- suddenly the steno world is full of one-stroke words!   INSTANT SPEED!!

Want to write the word simply in one stroke?  Easy.  Add the asterisk key.  S*EUFRPL.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Words ending in –tude

Steno Wizard learned the brief for "attitude" way back in theory class.  Here's an expansion of the concept that has worked well.  Enjoy!

Attitude ATD
Altitude ALTD
Aptitude APTD
Fortitude FORTD
Gratitude GRATD
Ineptitude NEPTD
Latitude LATD
Longitude LONGTD
Magnitude MAGTD
Multitude MULTD
Plentitude PLENTD
Solitude SOLTD
Turpitude TURPTD

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Yes, I do YAO

Yes, sir, I do SYAO

Yes, I do, sir YAOS

Can you tell me KUMT

Could you tell me KOUMT

Would you tell me WOUMT

Are you familiar RUFM

Are you familiar with WRUFM

Is that so STHAS

Isn’t that so STPHAS

Did you have occasion TKUFBGS or TKUFGS

Did you ever have occasion TKUFRBGS or TKUFRGS

How do you pronounce HOUPBS

How fast HOUFZ

About how fast PWOUFZ

Spell your name SPURM

Could you repeat KOURPT

Would it be fair to say WAOFRTS

Can you repeat KURPT

It would be fair to say TWAOFRTS

Is it fair to say ST-FRTS

To the best of my ability TBAOEUBLT

To the best of my memory TBAOEURM

To the best of your ability TBAOURBLT

To the best of your memory TBAOURM

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Amplify PLOEUF

Clarification KLAEUFBGS

Clarify KLAEUF


Classic KLAFK

Classification KLAFBGS

Classify KLAF

Dignify DOEUF

Diversify DWOEUF

Falsify FOEUF

Horrify HOEUF

identification OEUFBGS

identify OEUF

Justice JUFS

Justification JUFBGS

Justify JUF

Liquefy LOEUF

Magnify MOEUG

modification MOEUFBGS

modify MOEUF

notification NOEUFBGS

notify NOEUF

simplify SPLOEUF

Simplistic SPLEUFK

Signify SNOEUF

Specification SPEFBGS

Specificity SPEFT

Specify SPEF

Terrify TROEUF

verification VOEUFBGS

verify VOEUF

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The wonders of glue!

Did you know that both Eclipse and CaseCatalyst have glue command built into the software (SW-R) that you can use to make YOUR life easier when dealing with acronyms?   Apparently, this particular glue function is a command that is incorporated into your alphabets (any and all) and knows that the first letter does not need to be glued to the preceding word.  Steno Wizard has been using this glue function in both the CaseCatalyst and Eclipse software programs for several years and is very happy with the results.  Look in your software's manual for instructions on how to define your alphabets. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The bi/by/buy/bye debacle! A solution...

Anita Paul (who does realtime seminars around the country) suggests incorporating the -FPLT for the prefix by- PWEU-FPLT and -RBGS for the suffix -by PWEU-RBGS. Bylaw would be PWEU-FPLT/HRAU. Thereby would be THR-/PWEU-RBGS.  Conversely, FPLT - F for forward and RBGS - R for rearward.

SW imagines the -RBGS in the suffix as sort of a hand scootching the word over to the one in the front of it and the -FPLT in the prefix is pulling the prefix over to the word on the right-hand side.


Bi - PW*EU - Imagine the asterisk dotting the 'i' in this instance for the prefix.


And then

Bye - PWAO*EU, Imagine a kid with a pinwheel (sort of the like the little pig in the insurance commercial squealing wee). In SW's imagination, the kid is waving bye with the pinwheel in his hand (like the asterisk key). It works for me...LOL...but I had to come up with some way to remember these for myself!
BONUS BRIEF: good-bye is TKPW*B

What do you think?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Beyond a reasonable doubt, etc.

Learned these from a fellow reporter. 

Beyond a reasonable doubt YAEURD
beyond all reasonable doubt YAURD
beyond a shadow of a doubt YAEURBD
beyond any reasonable doubt YEURD


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do you know if

Steno Wizard has picked up a new phrase.  In the interest of us all improving our steno writing speed and translation, SW is sharing!

Do you know if DWEUF
Do you know if the DWEUFT
Do you know if it DW*EUFT
Do you know if it is DW*EUFTS
Do you know if this DWEUFTSDZ
Do you know if that DWEUFLTGS

Perhaps you'll like it too! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Prefixes! Prefixes! Prefixes!

Having lots of prefixes in your dictionary helps with realtime translation immensely.  Here's what is in the Steno Wizard database.   Build, build, build!

Think of entering these with multiple pronunciations that various speakers may use, i.e., eco (echo) or eco (EE-KO).


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Number Briefs...

Number Briefs

NUMBER                      STENO

¼                                     14*
½                                    12*
¾                                    34*
2000                          TWAO   or TWOU
2001                         TWUN
2002                        TWAOU
2003                        TWAOE
2004                        TWOUR
2005                        TWAOEUF
2006                        TWEUFPL (Twix = TW*EUFPL)
2007                        TWEFPB
2008                       TWAEUT  or TWAEUGT
2009                       TWAOEUPB (Twine = TWAO*EUPB)
2010                        TWEPB
2011                        TWEL  or TWENL
2012                        TWEF
2013                        TWEURT
2014                        TWORT
2015                        TWEUFT