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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Using the Asterisk Key for Agricultural-Themed Words

Using the asterisk key for many agricultural terms helps Steno Wizard resolve conflicts and actually remember them!

SW shared the sowing seeds idea in an earlier post.  Asterisk reminds SW of seeds, so sown gets the asterisk key.  Sewn does not.

Here's some more ideas:

Kernel - asterisk reminds SW of the little kernels of corn on a cob, so "colonel" doesn't get the asterisk treatment.

Cow - asterisk reminds SW of the clapper of a cow's bell, so "could you" doesn't get the asterisk.

Hay - asterisk reminds SW of hayseed; therefore, "hey" doesn't get the asterisk.

Cat - asterisk reminds SW of the bell on the collar of a cat; therefore, CAT (medical abbreviation) doesn't get the asterisk.  Heifer - same idea.  Therefore, "had he ever" doesn't get the asterisk.

Dog - asterisk reminds SW of the dog tag on the collar; therefore, "doing" does not get the asterisk.

Gilt - asterisk, farm-related.  "Guilt" does not get the asterisk.

Ag - abbreviation for agriculture, so it receives the asterisk to go with the farm-related theme.  "Ago" does not receive the asterisk.

Sow - asterisk, farm-related.  "So you" doesn't get asterisk.

Beet - asterisk, garden veggie (just in case you have a problem writing "beat" PWAET).  Always nice to have options!

Carrot - asterisk, garden veggie.  Caret KRAERT (punctuation symbol), karat, KAEURT, carat KRAEURT. 

Flower - asterisk, garden term.  Just in case you have trouble writing it TPHRAUR.  "Flour" doesn't.

Dew - asterisk, glistening on grass is what SW visualizes.  "Due" does not receive the asterisk.

Pail - asterisk, farm equipment.  Also remember you can "dot the i" in pail with the asterisk.  Another memory device.  PAEUL for "pale" if you write "appeal" PAEL.

Pest - asterisk reminds SW of a bug.  Particularly helpful resolution if you write "period of time" PEFT.

Pistil - asterisk, plant term.  "Pistol" doesn't get the asterisk, PEUFL.

Oak - asterisk reminds SW of acorns.  Therefore, "on the corner" OEBG does not receive the asterisk.

Enjoy your summer SPHER!

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