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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

More favorite briefs!

Steno Wizard would love to share some more favorite briefs. Be prepared to be blown away!

scenario STPHAOR
narrow TPHAOR
cardiovascular KAOFL
voir dire V*D
vertical V-L
horizontal H-L
reiterate REURT
premium PRAOEPL
minimum PHEUPL
condominium KPHEUPL
maximum PHAUM
domestic STKPHEUK
terrorism TROFPL
terrorist TROFT
capacity KPAFT
feature TPAOEFP
structure STRUR
structural STRURL
consistent KEUFT
Spanish SP-RB
Washington, D.C. WA*UGDZ

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Really!?! More Middleman Elimination

Eliminating what Steno Wizard calls the "middleman" can really help realtimers with stroking errors. Struggling to ensure one writes the right vowel keys consistently causes misstrokes for many of us.

Here's a few favorites to share:

really R-L

thing TH-G

things TH-GZ

recognize R-Z

temperature T-P

Pentagon P-G

handgun H-G

looks like HR-LZ

looked like HR-LD

point P-T

diminish TKPH-RB

finish TP-RB

punish P-RB

sentence STPH-PBS

background PW-G

busy B-Z
go ahead G-D
benefit B-FT
beneficial B-FL

Creating suffixes with the elimination technique is one of those aha moments that realtimers may want to readily embrace. Steno Wizard definitely has!

-ful -FL

-ford TP-RD

-forth TP-RGT

-first TP-RS

-front TPR-PBT

-girl TKPW-RL

-gram TKPWR-PL

-ship SH-P

-smith SPH-GT

-step ST-P

-stand ST-PBD

-struck STR-BG

-less -LS

-worth W-RGT

-worthy WERGT

-work W-RBG

-ness -PBS

-wide W-D

-size S-Z

-wise W-Z

-birth PW-RGT

-bird PW-RD

-burn PW-RPB

-burnt PW-RPBT

-like HR-BG

-side S-D

-term T-RPL

-hold H-LD

-ham H-PL

-lover HR-FR

-logic HR-PBLG

-ward W-RD

-world W-RLD

-worm W-RPL

-person P-RPB

-print PR-PBT

And some VERY lovely timesavers--

-week-old W-LD
-month-old M-LD
-year-old KWR-RLD

There's many more out there, and some you can probably think of yourself. As long as it doesn't create a conflict for you, have at it!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Easy way to write the decades

Steno Wizard would like to share one simple technique that is a lifesaver when it comes to writing the decades:


80s - AEUGTS

70s - SEFTS






10s - TENZ

This same number method can work for temperatures, ranges, etc.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Favorite briefs!

Steno Wizard would like to share some favorite briefs that are just absolutely fantastic!

My first set of briefs follow along the same briefing principle.

Spontaneous SPAENS
Spontaneously SPAENL
Spontaneity SPAENT
Miscellaneous SLAENS
Extraneous SKRAENS
Extraneously SKRAENL
Contemporaneous KPRAENS
Contemporaneously KPRAENL
Contemporary KPRAER
Extemporaneous SKPRAENS
Extemporaneously SKPRAENL
Instantaneous SNAENS
Instantaneously SNAENL
Simultaneous SMAENS
Simultaneously SMAENL
Temporary TRAER
Temporarily TRAERL
Primary PRAER
Primarily PRAERL
Summary SMAER
Summarily SMAERL
Summarization SMAERGS
Customary KMAER
Customarily KMAERL
Custom KUFM
Customer KMER
Pulmonary PLAER
Exemplary SKPLAER

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Resolving ways/weighs/waist/waste

A common problem for us old-timers is this ways/weighs/waist/waste conflict. Steno Wizard has a solution for this steno writing catastrophe!

Ways is written WAEUZ.

Weighs is WAEZ.

Waist/waste are resolved by incorporating the -FT as the -st sound and a little bit of spelling visualization. Waist is WAEUFT and waste is WAEFT. Voila!

When you start to incorporate WAEFT as waste in your steno writing, you'll probably automatically start to write words like taste as TAEFT and paste as PAEFT. Kind of funny how that works, huh? That just goes to show you're learning a new technique and carrying the principle throughout your steno writing theory. Woo-hoo.

Resolving peak/peek/pique conflicts

Solving the peak/peek/pique conflict is probably one of the easiest you'll ever master.

Peak is resolved by thinking of how it's spelled -- PAEBG.

Peek is written with the long e -- PAOEBG.

Pique is resolved by "dotting the i" with the asterisk key -- PAO*EBG.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Solving the I'll/aisle/isle conflict

Steno Wizard's solution to the I'll/aisle/isle conflict is truly quite visionary!

Steno Wizard suggests incorporating the final side -F key in place of the S in aisle and isle.

Write I’ll as AOEUL – probably the same as most reporters write I’ll currently. Aisle is written kind of like the way it’s spelled -- AEUFL. Then isle is written AOEUFL. Pretty easy solution!

Eiffel is a proper noun, and all proper nouns (if creating a conflict) require the incorporation of the asterisk key (kind of like an imaginary shift key on a computer keyboard). Ta-da!

Monday, May 10, 2010

One easy change, infinite possibilities

Do you write the suffix -ic and the phrase "I can" the exact same way causing all kinds of unfortunate mistranslates with words that end in the -ic suffix?

StenoWizard suggests changing the way you write the phrase "I can" from EUBG to AOEUBG. It's pretty easy to incorporate. While you're at it, change "I could" to the AOEUBGD and then you can define EUBGD as the suffix -icked.

If you think you're going to have a conflict with the proper name Ike, insert an asterisk in the proper name -- just like you should be doing for other proper names like Bill, Mark, Sandy, Guy, Pat, Nick, etc.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Steno Wizardry: And one more thing…

Do you struggle with writing something as simple as the word “and” in your daily writing?

Regularly misstroking “and” when the going gets rough and getting “abdomen” or “apprehend” or “April” – everything but “and” is one frustration and constant editing headache StenoWizard has strived to conquer for a couple of decades and finally arrived at a solution. Of course, credit needs to go out to a few of those interning students who let the secret out, and StenoWizard is prepared to share this secret in the best interests of those of us who are unaware and know that a change needs to be made.

Steno Wizard’s original theory advocated writing “and” as APBD – coupled with the weak pinkie—creating disastrous results on realtime screens across the state. Newer theories are teaching students to write “and” as SKP-. At first, Steno Wizard wasn’t ready for such a radical change but eventually came to embrace the idea.

Writing SKP- as “and” enables a plethora of phrasing opportunities. Steno Wizard's personal favorites are listed here, along with other reporters' ideas.


SKPUBGDZ and you could see
SKPUTD and you did
SKPUFL and you feel
SKPUFLT and you felt
SKPUFPBD and you find
SKPUGT and you get
SKPUG and you go
SKPUGD and you got
SKPUGS and you guess
SKPUD and you had
SKPUDZ and you had seen
SKPUF and you have
SKPUFZ and you have seen
SKPUPB and you know
SKPUFRBD and you observed
SKPURD and you read
SKPUSD and you said
SKPUZ and you see
SKPURB and you shall
SKPURBD and you should
SKPUPBG and you think
SKPULTD and you told
SKPUPBDZ and you understand
SKPUPT and you want
SKPUPTD and you wanted
SPKUBT and you went
SKPURP and you were
SKPUL and you will
SPKULD and you would
SKPAOUR and your
SKPAOURPBSZ and your answers
SKPURPBS and Your Honor
SKPAOURLGTS and your little
SKPURPLD and your mind
SKP-RBD and should
SKP-LGTS and that
SKP-T and the
SKPEFT and the fact
SKPET and the time
SKP-PB and then
SKP-PBG and think
SKPLTD and told
SKPURPBD and under
SKPPBDZ and understand
SKPUP and up
SKPPT and want
SKPPTD and wanted
SKP-FS and was
SKPWERP and we were
SKP-RP and were
SKPWR and where
SKPWHR and whether
SKPWHAO and who
SKPWAOEUF and wife
SKP-L and will
SKPW and with
SKP-LD and would
SKPU and you
SKPULS and you also
SKPUR and you are
SKPURPB and you are not
SKPUBG and you can
SKPUBGZ and you can see
SKPUBGD and you could
SKP-LT and left
SKPLGTS and little
SKP-PLD and made
SKP-PL and many
SKP-PLTS and many times
SKPPBT and not
SKP-FRB and observe
SKP-FRBD and observed
SKPOF and of
SKPOFBG and of course
SKP-FT and of the
SKPAUF and off
SKPOFPB and often
SKPOPB and on
SKPOPBT and on the
SKPOPBL and only
SKPOERT and other
SKPOERTS and others
SKPOUR and our
SKPOUT and out
SKPO*UF and out of
SKPO*EFR and over
SKPPLS and place
SKPPTS and points
SKP-RD and read
SKP-RL and recall
SKP-RZ and recognize
SKP-RPL and remain
SKP*R and remember
SKP-RT and right
SKP-SD and said
SKPEUFPBT and I haven’t
SKPEUPB and I know
SKPEUPLD and I made
SKPEUFRBD and I observed
SKPEURL and I recall
SKPEURZ and I recognize
SKP*EUR and I remember
SKP*EURD and I remembered
SKPEUPD and I said
SKPEUZ and I see
SKPEURB and I shall
SKPEUPT and I want
SKPEUPTD and I wanted
SKPEUFS and I was
SKPEUL and I will
SKPEULD and I would
SKPAOEUFD and I’ve had
SKPEUPLT and immaterial
SKPEUPB and in
SKPEUPBT and in the
SKP-S and is
SKPEUT and it
SKPEPTD and he wanted
SKPEPTS and he wants
SKPEFS and he was
SKPEBT and he went
SKPHER and her
SKPHEUPL and him
SKPHEUS and his
SKPHOU and how
SKPHOUF and how far
SKPHOUG and how long
SKPHOUPL and how many
SKPHOUFP and how much
SKPHOULD and how old
SKPEULS and I also
SKPEUPL and I am
SKPEUBL and I believe
SKPEUBLD and I believed
SKPEUBG and I can
SKPEUBGD and I could
SKPEUBGDZ and I could see
SKPEUTD and I did
SKPEUFL and I feel
SKPEUFLT and I felt
SKPEUGT and I get
SKPEUG and I go
SKPEUGD and I got
SKPEUGS and I guess
SKPEUD and I had
SKPEUF and I have
SKPEUFB and I have been
SKPEUFG and I have gone
SKPEUFGD and I have got
SKPEUFZ and I have seen
SKP-BGDZ and could see
SKP-DZ and does
SKPTD and did
SKPAOEFP and each
SKPEFBGT and effect
SKPEFRG and everything
SKPFT and fact
SKP-FD and find
SKPFRTSDZ and forth
SKPGT and get
SKPGTS and gets
SKP*G and give
SKPG and go
SKPGD and got
SKPAEU and a
SKPALT and a letter
SKPALGTS and a little
SKPHRAOT and a lot
SKPAFLTGS and after that
SKPAUL and all
SKPAUF and all of
SKPAULT and all the
SKPLS and also
SKPAOL and although
SKPAPL and am
SKPAPB and an
SKPAOT and another
SKPPBS and answer
SKPAPBS and answer
SKPAPBSZ and answers
SKPEUB and anybody
SKPEUBLS and anybody else
SKPEULGS and anything else
SKP-R and are
SKP-RPB and are not
SKPARPBD and around
SKPAZ and as
SKPAT and at
SKP-B and be
SKP-BL and believe
SKPBLG and building
SKP-BG and can
SKPBGD and could
SKPAOURPLD and your mind
SKPAOURZ and yours
SKPOR and/or

Obviously, if any of these create a conflict, DON'T use them.