Today’s article is about trying to work around common misstrokes by dropping those pesky vowel keys. Radical idea? Don’t be so quick to rule it out.
A common misstroke is caused by the pesky weak right-hand pinkie not being able to hit that final –D , DZ, or even the final –Z consistently – or inconsistently enough that it causes problems with realtime output. Are you trying to type “find” or “mind” only to end up with “fine” or “mine” a greater percentage of the time than is desired? Try elimination of the middle keys to create a work-around solution.
Steno Wizard suggests writing “find” as TP-D and “mind” as PH-D. This will work also for the words “finds” and “minds” by writing them TP-DZ and PH-DZ. If PH-DZ is also “merchandise,” Steno Wizard recommends writing “merchandise” as PH-RDZ .