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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Oh, those politicians!

Here's some great sites to help build a dictionary that's ready for American politics.

This is the link for the president's cabinet:, and one can explore for other info there.

Another fantastic site for past presidents and their first ladies is found at this link:  Think of how many school buildings are named after presidents and first ladies.

Next, you may need to have the U.S. Supreme Court Justices., and if you hunt around the site, you can find past justices to input into your dictionary.  The Supreme Court is sometimes referred to as SCOTUS (SKOE-TUS).

Need U.S. governors?  Try this site:

Don't forget those senators!

Some briefs:

lawmaker LAURK
lawmakers LAURKZ
governor GOFR
government GOFT
governance GOFRNS
constituent KWAENT
incumbent BAENT
Washington, D.C. WA*UGDZ
Pentagon P*G
White House WHOUS
congressional GRERBL
President of the United States PO*ETS - Think POTUS (poe-tus) -- common nickname for the president.   ** I've taken to writing it PRO*ETS lately, and so I have both entries in the dix.
First Lady of the United States FLO*ETS - you guessed it!  FLOTUS  (Floe-tus)!
politics PHREUBGZ
political PHREUL
politically PHR*EUL
politician PHREUGS
Republican R*P
Democrat TK*M
Democratic TK*MT
candidate K*D - I think of a candidate wearing a bow tie.  It works for me!

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