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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Friday, July 30, 2010

View and way suffixes

Steno Wizard has thought of a new suffix to input into the ultimate realtime reporter's dictionary -- view. Think about how many words (usually proper nouns) end with the suffix view. There's Hillview, Lakeview, Riverview, Bayview, Broadview, Fairview, Clearview, on and on.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to come up with a suffix solution that can be defined to cap the word it hooks up to (or not)?

Steno Wizard's software (brief - SWAER) has this ability.

Writing the word with the -FPLT bank included in the stroke can be defined as whatever the software's cap previous stroke command is with view. The steno for such an accomplishment is SRAOUFPLT, and then if one were to use the -RBGS instead, it can be defined without the cap previous stroke command.

This technique also be used for the suffix way. Think about it. Broadway, fairway, driveway, etc.

Friday, July 9, 2010

More briefs to share!

Here's some more briefs...enjoy!

Fantastic FAFK
Spectacular SPLAR
Particular PLAR
Peculiar KWLAR
Awesome AUFPL
Mechanism MEFPL
Mechanic MEK
Festival FEFL

How about some proper name briefs!

Jennifer JEUFR
Richard RIFPD
Joseph JOEF
Robert ROBT
Rodriguez ROGDZ
Tammy TA*EM
Amy A*EM
Sandy SA*END
Randy RA*END
Brandy BRA*END
William W*EUM
Williams W*EUMZ
Nancy NA*ENS
Mary MA*ER
Harry HA*ER
Mohammed MO*EMD
Muhammed MAO*UMD

Monday, July 5, 2010

Quick solution to add -ly ending

Speed is an essential component to gaining control over and conquering the realtime challenge. This is a favorite tip Steno Wizard would like to pass along in the hopes you may also embrace it.   Add an asterisk to a one-stroke word and define it as the word with the -ly ending, and you'll be one stroke ahead of the game.  Take a peek at these.

Whew!  There's so many more, but you get the basic principle.

Absolute SLAOUT

Absolutely SLAO*UT

Actual TUL

Actually T*UL

Additional DEURBL

Additionally D*EURBL

Commercial KMERBL

Commercially KM*ERBL

Continual TEUNL

Continually T*EUNL

Criminal KREUNL

Criminally KR*EUNL

Emotional MOERBL

Emotionally MO*ERBL


Equally KWA*UL

Essential SERBL

Essentially S*ERBL

Eventual VUL

Eventually V*UL

External SKERNL

Externally SK*ERNL


Finally FAO*EUNL

Financial F-NL

Financially F*NL

General JENL

Generally J*ENL

Gradual GRAUL

Gradually GRA*UL

Hopeful HOEFL

Hopefully HO*EFL

Initial NEURBL

Initially N*EURBL

Judicial JEURBL

Judicially J*EURBL

Mental MENL

Mentally M*ENL

Natural NAURL

Naturally NA*URL

Official FEURBL

Officially F*EURBL

Partial PARBL

Partially PA*RBL

Personal PERNL

Personally P*ERNL

Realistic RAOEFK

Realistically RAO*EFK

Sexual SWAUL

Sexually SWA*UL


Socially SO*ERBL

Substantial STARBL

Substantially STA*RBL

Traditional TRARBL

Traditionally TRA*RBL

Ultimate ULT

Ultimately *ULT


Universally KWRAO*UFRL


Unusually TPHAO*URBL


Visually V*EURBL

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Resolving site, sight, cite

Steno Wizard's solution to this triple whammy is actually fairly easy to incorporate into your writing style.

Steno Wizard strokes site as SAOEUT -- fairly easy.  Then the word sight, Steno Wizard brings in the G key, SAOEUGT -- kind of a visual spelling ideaThe word cite is solved by using the KR- combination (alphabet C), KRAOEUT -- also a visual spelling idea.

Hopefully, this principle -- carried through -- will also resolve incite and insight.