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Welcome to the Steno Wizard's Realtime Journey!

Remember when life was simple and all you had to do was make a selection on what your steno really meant? Those days are long gone.

Reporters must get themselves into top realtime form to compete in today's job market. This is my contribution toward ALL of us reaching the realtime goal.

My Steno Wizardry concept is based on the idea that writing realtime actually doesn't require magic -- just hard work, determination, and a little bit of FUN imagination.

My hope is my sharing of the ideas I've incorporated into my realtime journey will assist you in yours.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Phrasing to Gain Speed!

Speed is an essential component to great realtime translation.  In order to have control, a reporter needs to be able to keep up with the speaker.  Phrasing is one of those methods.  Here's some phrasing that Steno Wizard has been exploring recently with great success.  SW has been trying to listen to and think of these phrases as one word, and that seems to be working well.

make sure MAEURB
going to TKPWOGT
going to the TKPWOGTD
is going to STKPWOGT
is going to the STKPWOGTD
going to be TKPWOEB
going to happen TKPWOEP
can you tell me KUPLT
what do you do WHAUD
what did you do WHA*UD (* dots the i in the word did -- hokey but works!)
have you gone SRUG
let me HREPL
tell me TEPL
may I approach PHOEFP
may we approach PHAOEFP
thank you, your Honor THAURPB
thank you, Judge THAUPBLG
it would have been TWOFB
behalf of the PWHAFT (born from stacking!)
a bunch of BAEUFRPB
a bunch of the BAEUFRPBT
up to TOUP (born from stacking!)